
Was das Forum betrifft, allgemeine Regeln und Neuigkeiten.
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Registriert: Mo 7. Apr 2008, 10:35
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Ungelesener Beitrag von WiZaRd » Mo 1. Mär 2010, 14:42

Heute morgen kam die Version 3.0.7 der Forensoftware heraus und ich habe auch gleich ein Update des Systems gemacht.
Es kann sein, dass es noch ein paar Problemchen gibt (so waren die Userprofile in den Threads jetzt z.B. wieder rechts) - wenn euch was auffällt, sagt also einfach Bescheid :teufel:

Hier noch die Liste der Änderungen, für die Interessieren:
[Fix] Allow ban reason and length to be selected and copied in ACP and subsilver2 MCP. (Bug #51095)
[Fix] Force full date for board online record date.
[Fix] Correctly reset login keys if passed value is the current user. (Bug #54125)
[Fix] Correctly set last modified headers. (Bug #54245, thanks Paul.J.Murphy)
[Fix] Show correct HTML title when reporting private messages. (Bug #54375)
[Fix] Correctly exclude subforums from ATOM Feeds. (Bug #54285)
[Fix] Do not link to user profile in ATOM feed entry if post has been made by the guest user. (Bug #54275)
[Fix] Make word censoring case insensitive. (Bug #54265)
[Fix] Fulltext-MySQL search for keywords and username at the same time. (Bug #54325)
[Fix] Various XHTML and CSS mistakes in prosilver. (Bugs #54705, #55895)
[Fix] Correctly show topic ATOM feed link when only post id is specified. (Bug #53025)
[Fix] Cleanly handle forum/topic not found in ATOM Feeds. (Bug #54295)
[Fix] PHP 5.3 compatibility: Check if function dl() exists before calling it. (Bug #54665)
[Fix] PHP 5.3 compatibility: Disable E_DEPRECATED on startup to keep set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) quiet. (Bug #54495)
[Fix] Correctly replace table prefix before inserting schema data into the database. (Bug #54815)
[Fix] Correctly take post time instead of topic time for the overall forum feed statistics row. (Bug #55005)
[Fix] Posting errors with CAPTCHAs using user::add_lang(). (Bug #55245)
[Fix] Use memcache::replace() instead of memcache::set() for existing keys to prevent problems.
[Fix] Check for required functions in eAccelerator. (Bug #54465)
[Fix] Use correct RFC 3339 date format in ATOM feed. (Bug #55005)
[Fix] Do not deliver topics from unreadable or passworded forums in the news feed. (Bug #54345)
[Fix] Restore user language choice to compiled stylesheets. (Bug #54035)
[Fix] Add missing language entries. (Bug #55095)
[Fix] Do not permit unauthorised users to delete private messages from folder listing. (Bug #54355)
[Fix] Correctly check for empty strings in custom profile fields. (Bug #55335)
[Fix] Use correct options to parse BBCodes in signatures when previewing PMs.
[Fix] Correct rendering of prosilver quick reply under IE6. (Bug #54115 - Patch by Raimon)
[Fix] Correct wording for "How do I show an image below my username" question answer in FAQ. (Bug #23935)
[Fix] Handle export of private messages where all recipients were deleted. (Bug #50985)
[Fix] Correctly get unread status information for global announcements in search results.
[Fix] Correctly handle global announcements in ATOM feeds.
[Fix] Use correct limit config parameter in the News feed.
[Fix] Restrict search for styles/../style.cfg to folders. (Bug #55665)
[Fix] Add ability to disable overall (aka board-wide) feed.
[Fix] Do not pass new_link parameter when creating a persistent connection with mysql. (Bug #55785)
[Fix] Improved search query performance through sorting words by their occurance. (Bug #21555)
[Fix] Correctly move sql_row_pointer forward when calling sql_fetchfield() on cached queries. (Bug #55865)
[Fix] Remove item limit from "All forums" feed.
[Fix] Do not use group colours for usernames on print view. (Bug #30315 - Patch by Pasqualle)
[Fix] Pagination of User Notes in MCP uses two different config values. (Bug #56025)
[Fix] List hidden groups on viewprofile where the viewing user is also a member. (Bug #31845)
[Fix] Sort viewprofile group list by group name.
[Fix] Strictly check whether a moderator can post in the destination forum when moving topic. (Bug #56255)
[Fix] Added some error handling to the compress class.
[Fix] Correctly determine permissions to show quick reply button. (Bug #56555)
[Fix] Do not unsubscribe users from topics replying with quickreply. (Bug #56235)
[Fix] Don't submit when pressing enter on preview button. (Bug #54395)
[Fix] Load reCAPTCHA over https when using a secure connection to the board. (Bug #55755)
[Fix] Clarify explanation of bump feature setting. (Bug #56075)
[Fix] Properly paginate unapproved posts in the MCP. (Bug #56285)
[Fix] Do not duplicate previous/next links in pagination text of moderator logs and user notes in MCP for subsilver2. (Bug #55045)
[Fix] Do not automatically unsubscribe users from topics, when email and jabber is disabled.
[Fix] Don't send activation email when user tries to change email without permission (fix by nrohler). (Bug #56335)
[Fix] Replace hard coded "px" with translated language-string. (Bug #52495)
[Fix] Correctly hover list menu in UCP and MCP for RTL languages. (Bug #49945)
[Fix] Correctly orientate quoted text image on RTL languages. (Bug #33745)
[Fix] Deprecate $allow_reply parameter to truncate_string() (Bug #56675)
[Fix] Fall back to default language email template if specified file does not exist. (Bug #35595)
[Fix] Update users last visit field correctly when changing activation status. (Bug #56185)
[Fix] Database updater now separates ADD COLUMN from SET NOT NULL and SET DEFAULT, when using PostgreSQL <= 7.4 (Bug #54435)
[Fix] Styles adjustment to correctly display an order of rtl/ltr mixed content. (Bugs #55485, #55545)
[Fix] Fix language string for PM-Reports refering to post-data. (Bug #54745)
[Fix] Do not store email templates in database. (Bug #54505)
[Fix] Fix javascript bug in the smilies ACP. (Bug #55725)
[Fix] Unify BBCode Selection across browsers. (Bug #38765)
[Fix] Allow convertors to read in configuration from files. (Bug #57265) (patch by Dicky)
[Change] Move redirect into a hidden field to avoid issues with mod_security. (Bug #54145)
[Change] Log activation through inactive users ACP. (Bug #30145)
[Change] Send time of last item instead of current time in ATOM Feeds. (Bug #53305)
[Change] Use em dash instead of hyphen/minus as separator in ATOM Feeds item statistics. (Bug #53565)
[Change] Alter ACP user quick tools interface to reduce confusion with the delete operation.
[Change] Send statistics now check for IPv6 and send private network status as a boolean.
[Change] Split "All topics" feed into "New Topics" and "Active Topics" feeds.
[Change] Forum feed no longer includes posts of subforums.
[Change] Show login attempt CAPTCHA option in the captcha plugin module.
[Change] It is no longer possible to persist a solution for the login CAPTCHA.
[Change] SQLite is no longer autoloaded by the installer. (Bug #56105)
[Change] Friends and foes will not show up as private message rule options if their respective UCP modules are disabled. (Bug #51155)
[Change] Offer for guests to log in for egosearch and unreadposts search before the search permissions check. (Bug #51585)
[Change] Show warning box for users of PHP < 5.2.0 about phpBB ending support.
[Change] Disallow deleting the last question of the Q&A CAPTCHA.
[Change] Tweak Q&A CAPTCHA garbage collection.
[Change] Show a proper preview for the Q&A CAPTCHA. (Bug #56365)
[Change] Speed up topic move operation by adding an index for topic_id on the topics track table. (Bug #56545)
[Feature] Ability to use HTTP authentication in ATOM feeds by passing the GET parameter "auth=http".

Der Minister nimmt flüsternd den Bischoff am Arm: "Halt du sie dumm, ich halt sie arm!" - Reinhard Mey
Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht" - B. Brecht
Nimm das Recht weg – was ist dann ein Staat noch anderes als eine große Räuberbande? - St. Augustinus

... 9 von 10 Stimmen im meinem Kopf sagen ich bin nicht verrückt... - die 10te summt die Melodie von TETRIS

Beiträge: 2580
Registriert: Mi 30. Dez 2009, 20:41
Wohnort: Lippe
Hat sich bedankt: 1340 Mal
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Re: Forenupdate

Ungelesener Beitrag von Blacky » Mo 1. Mär 2010, 18:16

Ah Ja Bild

Trotzdem sage ich DANKE

Erfolg steigt nur zu Kopf, wenn dort der erforderliche Hohlraum vorhanden ist.
(Manfred Hinrich)


Beiträge: 4020
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Wohnort: Hochschwarzwald
Hat sich bedankt: 24 Mal
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Re: Forenupdate

Ungelesener Beitrag von Miko » Mo 1. Mär 2010, 18:45

In dieser Bahnhofsangelegenheit schließe ich mich herzlich gerne an. :glotzen:

In der Dankesangelegenheit ebenso. :jaa: :jaa: :jaa:

Beiträge: 2194
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Wohnort: BW
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Re: Forenupdate

Ungelesener Beitrag von stadtpflanze » Mi 3. Mär 2010, 17:07

Sag bloß Wizard, dass du das verstehst?! :respekt:

Ich sag auch DANKE.
Nette Grüße von der Stadtpflanze
Bild ... ich doch nicht
unsere Linksammlung

Technischer Admin
Beiträge: 1023
Registriert: Mo 7. Apr 2008, 10:35
Hat sich bedankt: 5 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 250 Mal

Re: Forenupdate

Ungelesener Beitrag von WiZaRd » Sa 6. Mär 2010, 08:03

Naja ist doch nur eine Auflistung ;)

Ich hab das erste Sicherheitsupdate jetzt ebenfalls eingespielt, war fast klar, dass da wieder was kommt :D

Der Minister nimmt flüsternd den Bischoff am Arm: "Halt du sie dumm, ich halt sie arm!" - Reinhard Mey
Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht" - B. Brecht
Nimm das Recht weg – was ist dann ein Staat noch anderes als eine große Räuberbande? - St. Augustinus

... 9 von 10 Stimmen im meinem Kopf sagen ich bin nicht verrückt... - die 10te summt die Melodie von TETRIS


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